Tag: admission controllers
Creating a Mutating Webhook in OpenShift
Tag: aide
OpenShift FileIntegrity Scanning
Tag: ansible
Creating a multi-host OKD Cluster
Openshift, Azure, and Ansible
Tag: azure
Creating a multi-host OKD Cluster
Openshift, Azure, and Ansible
OpenShift on Azure - The Manual Way
Tag: cert-manager
Using cert-manager and Let's Encrypt with the Wildcard route in OCP
Tag: citrix adc
Using Citrix Netscaler with OpenShift
Tag: cluster
Recovering an OCP/OKD Cluster After a Long Time Powered Off
Tag: cnv
Manually moving a Virtual Machine from VMware to OpenShift Virtualization
When it comes to migrating VMs from VMware to OpenShift Virtualization, the Migration Toolkit for Virtualization (MTV) is the easiest option. But what happens if you want to move an unsupported OS over to OpenShift Virtualization? Can this even be done? The short answer is “Yes”, and the longer answer is “It depends on the OS you want to move.”
Tag: containers
Using gMSA with Windows Containers in OCP
Creating a Windows Template for use with OpenShift Windows Machine Config Operator
If you are looking to try out Windows Containers managed by Kubernetes, you are going to need at least one Windows Server to host the containers. You can follow the steps from OpenShift Windows Containers - Bring Your Own Host and manually add a Windows server to an OpenShift Cluster. You can also use the Windows Machine Config Operator (WMCO) to automatically scale Windows nodes up and down in your cluster.
Windows Containers on Windows 10 or 11, without Docker Desktop
Using Podman on Mac OSX
NMState Operator and OpenShift Container Platform
Trying Tanzu with Tanzu Community Edition
OpenShift Windows Containers - Bring Your Own Host
Tag: csi
Using the Synology K8s CSI Driver with OpenShift
Tag: daemonset
Updating RHCOS Images with Custom Configurations
Dealing with a Lack of Entropy on your OpenShift Cluster
Tag: day two
Creating Custom Operator Hub Catalogs
Creating ExternalIPs in OpenShift with MetalLB
Understanding OpenShift MachineConfigs and MachineConfigPools
Using Citrix Netscaler with OpenShift
Tag: docker
Windows Containers on Windows 10 or 11, without Docker Desktop
Using Podman on Mac OSX
Tag: externalip
Creating ExternalIPs in OpenShift with MetalLB
Tag: git
Running Gitea on Synology Arrays
Signing your Git Commits with SSH Keys
Tag: gitea
Running Gitea on Synology Arrays
Tag: github
Signing your Git Commits with SSH Keys
Tag: gmsa
Using gMSA with Windows Containers in OCP
Tag: infisical
Deploying Infisical Secrets Manager on OpenShift with Helm
In a previous blog post Managing Secrets in OpenShift with Infisical, we walked through the process of configuring the Infisical Secrets Operator in OpenShift. The Infisical Secrets Operator allowed us to access secrets managed by Infisical from within OpenShift. But what if you want to host the Infisical application yourself, instead of relying on the Saas version, well then this post is for you. In this post we will talk about deploying the Infisical application itself, so that you can run a local instance of Infisical and keep all your secrets safe.
Managing Secrets in OpenShift with Infisical
Handling secrets in Kubernetes and more specifically OpenShift is an ever evolving space. There are many secrets managers available including Google Secrets Manger, HashiCorp Vault, CyberArk and Azure Key Vault, just to name a few. In this post we will be testing out a new player in the secrets management arena called Infisical.
Tag: infrastructure
OpenShift Machine Remediation
Kubernetes and thus OpenShift are designed to host applications in such a way that if a node hosting your application fails, it will reschedule the app on another node automatically, and everything “just keeps working”. This happens without any intervention by an administrator letting you continue on with your life, not getting bothered by some on-call alert system. But what about that node that failed? While the app may be up and running you have a node that is no longer pulling its weight, your cluster capacity is lessened and if you get enough of these failed nodes, other apps may be effected or your cluster may fail.
Tag: ingress
Using Citrix Netscaler with OpenShift
Tag: iscsi
Using the Synology K8s CSI Driver with OpenShift
NMState Operator and OpenShift Container Platform
Tag: kata
Using Kata Containers with OpenShift Container Platform
Tag: kubectl
Kubectl and OC Command Output
Tag: kubernetes
Using the Synology K8s CSI Driver with OpenShift
Creating a Mutating Webhook in OpenShift
Trying Tanzu with Tanzu Community Edition
OpenShift FileIntegrity Scanning
Kubectl and OC Command Output
Tag: kubevirt
Manually moving a Virtual Machine from VMware to OpenShift Virtualization
When it comes to migrating VMs from VMware to OpenShift Virtualization, the Migration Toolkit for Virtualization (MTV) is the easiest option. But what happens if you want to move an unsupported OS over to OpenShift Virtualization? Can this even be done? The short answer is “Yes”, and the longer answer is “It depends on the OS you want to move.”
Tag: letsencrypt
Using cert-manager and Let's Encrypt with the Wildcard route in OCP
Creating a multi-host OKD Cluster
Tag: loadbalancer
Creating ExternalIPs in OpenShift with MetalLB
Tag: machineconfig
Updating RHCOS Images with Custom Configurations
Understanding OpenShift MachineConfigs and MachineConfigPools
Tag: mikrotik
MikroTik RouterOS and WireGuard for Road Warriors.
Tag: nas
Creating a storage network in OpenShift.
Tag: networking
NMState Operator and OpenShift Container Platform
Tag: nmstate
Creating a storage network in OpenShift.
Tag: node management
OpenShift Machine Remediation
Kubernetes and thus OpenShift are designed to host applications in such a way that if a node hosting your application fails, it will reschedule the app on another node automatically, and everything “just keeps working”. This happens without any intervention by an administrator letting you continue on with your life, not getting bothered by some on-call alert system. But what about that node that failed? While the app may be up and running you have a node that is no longer pulling its weight, your cluster capacity is lessened and if you get enough of these failed nodes, other apps may be effected or your cluster may fail.
Tag: oc
Kubectl and OC Command Output
Tag: ocpv
Creating a storage network in OpenShift.
Tag: openshift
Manually moving a Virtual Machine from VMware to OpenShift Virtualization
When it comes to migrating VMs from VMware to OpenShift Virtualization, the Migration Toolkit for Virtualization (MTV) is the easiest option. But what happens if you want to move an unsupported OS over to OpenShift Virtualization? Can this even be done? The short answer is “Yes”, and the longer answer is “It depends on the OS you want to move.”
Installing OpenShift using Windows Subsystem for Linux
With interest in OpenShift and more specifically OpenShift Virtualization taking off, users who do not typically use Linux have a need for a Linux workstation in-order to deploy OpenShift. While the oc
command used to manage OpenShift does work on Windows other utilities such as the openshift-install
command used to deploy OpenShift clusters does not. So whats a Windows using future OpenShift administrator supposed to do?
Creating a storage network in OpenShift.
Updating RHCOS Images with Custom Configurations
Dealing with a Lack of Entropy on your OpenShift Cluster
OpenShift Machine Remediation
Kubernetes and thus OpenShift are designed to host applications in such a way that if a node hosting your application fails, it will reschedule the app on another node automatically, and everything “just keeps working”. This happens without any intervention by an administrator letting you continue on with your life, not getting bothered by some on-call alert system. But what about that node that failed? While the app may be up and running you have a node that is no longer pulling its weight, your cluster capacity is lessened and if you get enough of these failed nodes, other apps may be effected or your cluster may fail.
Deploying Infisical Secrets Manager on OpenShift with Helm
In a previous blog post Managing Secrets in OpenShift with Infisical, we walked through the process of configuring the Infisical Secrets Operator in OpenShift. The Infisical Secrets Operator allowed us to access secrets managed by Infisical from within OpenShift. But what if you want to host the Infisical application yourself, instead of relying on the Saas version, well then this post is for you. In this post we will talk about deploying the Infisical application itself, so that you can run a local instance of Infisical and keep all your secrets safe.
Managing Secrets in OpenShift with Infisical
Handling secrets in Kubernetes and more specifically OpenShift is an ever evolving space. There are many secrets managers available including Google Secrets Manger, HashiCorp Vault, CyberArk and Azure Key Vault, just to name a few. In this post we will be testing out a new player in the secrets management arena called Infisical.
Using cert-manager and Let's Encrypt with the Wildcard route in OCP
Using gMSA with Windows Containers in OCP
Creating a Windows Template for use with OpenShift Windows Machine Config Operator
If you are looking to try out Windows Containers managed by Kubernetes, you are going to need at least one Windows Server to host the containers. You can follow the steps from OpenShift Windows Containers - Bring Your Own Host and manually add a Windows server to an OpenShift Cluster. You can also use the Windows Machine Config Operator (WMCO) to automatically scale Windows nodes up and down in your cluster.
Using the Synology K8s CSI Driver with OpenShift
Explaining OpenShift Router Configurations
Creating Custom Operator Hub Catalogs
Creating ExternalIPs in OpenShift with MetalLB
Understanding OpenShift MachineConfigs and MachineConfigPools
Using Citrix Netscaler with OpenShift
Creating a Mutating Webhook in OpenShift
Recovering an OCP/OKD Cluster After a Long Time Powered Off
NMState Operator and OpenShift Container Platform
OpenShift Windows Containers - Bring Your Own Host
Using Kata Containers with OpenShift Container Platform
OpenShift Cluster Storage Management
OpenShift FileIntegrity Scanning
Kubectl and OC Command Output
Creating a multi-host OKD Cluster
Openshift, Azure, and Ansible
OpenShift on Azure - The Manual Way
Tag: operations
Creating Custom Operator Hub Catalogs
Tag: operator hub
Creating Custom Operator Hub Catalogs
Tag: operators
Creating Custom Operator Hub Catalogs
Tag: osx
Using Podman on Mac OSX
Tag: podman
Using Podman on Mac OSX
Tag: powershell
Using gMSA with Windows Containers in OCP
OpenShift Windows Containers - Bring Your Own Host
Tag: quotas
OpenShift Cluster Storage Management
Tag: recovery
Recovering an OCP/OKD Cluster After a Long Time Powered Off
Tag: rhcos
Updating RHCOS Images with Custom Configurations
Tag: routing
Explaining OpenShift Router Configurations
Tag: s3
Running Gitea on Synology Arrays
Tag: scc
Dealing with a Lack of Entropy on your OpenShift Cluster
Tag: secrets
Deploying Infisical Secrets Manager on OpenShift with Helm
In a previous blog post Managing Secrets in OpenShift with Infisical, we walked through the process of configuring the Infisical Secrets Operator in OpenShift. The Infisical Secrets Operator allowed us to access secrets managed by Infisical from within OpenShift. But what if you want to host the Infisical application yourself, instead of relying on the Saas version, well then this post is for you. In this post we will talk about deploying the Infisical application itself, so that you can run a local instance of Infisical and keep all your secrets safe.
Managing Secrets in OpenShift with Infisical
Handling secrets in Kubernetes and more specifically OpenShift is an ever evolving space. There are many secrets managers available including Google Secrets Manger, HashiCorp Vault, CyberArk and Azure Key Vault, just to name a few. In this post we will be testing out a new player in the secrets management arena called Infisical.
Tag: security
Signing your Git Commits with SSH Keys
OpenShift FileIntegrity Scanning
Tag: storage
OpenShift Cluster Storage Management
Tag: synology
Using the Synology K8s CSI Driver with OpenShift
Running Gitea on Synology Arrays
Tag: tanzu
Trying Tanzu with Tanzu Community Edition
Tag: tls
Explaining OpenShift Router Configurations
Tag: tutorial
Using gMSA with Windows Containers in OCP
Using the Synology K8s CSI Driver with OpenShift
Signing your Git Commits with SSH Keys
Explaining OpenShift Router Configurations
Creating Custom Operator Hub Catalogs
Understanding OpenShift MachineConfigs and MachineConfigPools
Using Podman on Mac OSX
Creating a Mutating Webhook in OpenShift
Recovering an OCP/OKD Cluster After a Long Time Powered Off
NMState Operator and OpenShift Container Platform
Trying Tanzu with Tanzu Community Edition
OpenShift Windows Containers - Bring Your Own Host
Using Kata Containers with OpenShift Container Platform
OpenShift Cluster Storage Management
OpenShift FileIntegrity Scanning
Tag: vmware
Manually moving a Virtual Machine from VMware to OpenShift Virtualization
When it comes to migrating VMs from VMware to OpenShift Virtualization, the Migration Toolkit for Virtualization (MTV) is the easiest option. But what happens if you want to move an unsupported OS over to OpenShift Virtualization? Can this even be done? The short answer is “Yes”, and the longer answer is “It depends on the OS you want to move.”
Tag: vpn
MikroTik RouterOS and WireGuard for Road Warriors.
Tag: vsphere
Trying Tanzu with Tanzu Community Edition
Tag: wildcard certificate
Using cert-manager and Let's Encrypt with the Wildcard route in OCP
Tag: windows
Installing OpenShift using Windows Subsystem for Linux
With interest in OpenShift and more specifically OpenShift Virtualization taking off, users who do not typically use Linux have a need for a Linux workstation in-order to deploy OpenShift. While the oc
command used to manage OpenShift does work on Windows other utilities such as the openshift-install
command used to deploy OpenShift clusters does not. So whats a Windows using future OpenShift administrator supposed to do?
Using gMSA with Windows Containers in OCP
Creating a Windows Template for use with OpenShift Windows Machine Config Operator
If you are looking to try out Windows Containers managed by Kubernetes, you are going to need at least one Windows Server to host the containers. You can follow the steps from OpenShift Windows Containers - Bring Your Own Host and manually add a Windows server to an OpenShift Cluster. You can also use the Windows Machine Config Operator (WMCO) to automatically scale Windows nodes up and down in your cluster.
Windows Containers on Windows 10 or 11, without Docker Desktop
OpenShift Windows Containers - Bring Your Own Host
Tag: windows containers
OpenShift Windows Containers - Bring Your Own Host
Tag: wireguard
MikroTik RouterOS and WireGuard for Road Warriors.
Tag: wmco
Creating a Windows Template for use with OpenShift Windows Machine Config Operator
If you are looking to try out Windows Containers managed by Kubernetes, you are going to need at least one Windows Server to host the containers. You can follow the steps from OpenShift Windows Containers - Bring Your Own Host and manually add a Windows server to an OpenShift Cluster. You can also use the Windows Machine Config Operator (WMCO) to automatically scale Windows nodes up and down in your cluster.
Tag: wsl
Installing OpenShift using Windows Subsystem for Linux
With interest in OpenShift and more specifically OpenShift Virtualization taking off, users who do not typically use Linux have a need for a Linux workstation in-order to deploy OpenShift. While the oc
command used to manage OpenShift does work on Windows other utilities such as the openshift-install
command used to deploy OpenShift clusters does not. So whats a Windows using future OpenShift administrator supposed to do?